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Bodylab Jumpstart Body Kit and Shakes

You may have heard of Bodylab before. They are a USA brand endorsed by Jennifer Lopez (read more here).

The fact that the stunning Jenny swears by the brand swung it for me. Who wouldn’t want to look like here?

The system is not just shakes or a restrictive diet it’s a mix of cleansing and replenishing tablets, protein shakes and healthy food.

It’s been my first week on the program. This is the cleanse and metabolise phase where I have two shakes a day and healthy meal and take regular capsules that help cleanse my body, assist liver function and support my metabolism.


Next week I will swap the cleanse tablets for the replenish tablets which is full of natural products like vitamin C and peppermint which help refuel the body. I will continue with the shakes twice a day as well.

The shake is raspberry yoghurt flavour and nice enough to have for breakfast and lunch. I find it rather filling and tasted delicious. I like to add ice cubes especially with this beautiful sunny spell iot feels like a milkshake.

Protein shake sounds scary. The last thing I want to do is bulk up! I want to slim down. The plus side is that this shake is made by women for women so no bulking ingredients that mess with your hormones. The shakes contain a blend of plant based compounds to burn excess fats, and get lean!

You get a lot for your money as well. One 420g tub makes 21 shakes and at only 80 calories a shake that’s pretty awesome! You also mix with water so it makes it easy for a drink on the go.

While drinking the shakes I ate lots of fruit and veg and eat nuts every day. My first week I lost 4 pounds which I was chuffed to bits with as I generally eat well and didn’t expect a great loss so I was surprised.

You can find out more about Bodylab here: I also found it available in the UK online at at a great price.

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