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SculpSure Fat Reduction Treatment at PHI Clinic.

Sculpsure, is non-surgical body contouring treatment from Cynosure. It is the world’s FIRST FDA approved laser treatment for non-invasive lipolysis (removal of unwanted fatty deposits). Research shows that it is clinically proven to permanently destroy 24% of treated fat in just 25 minutes!! Wowzers!

I could not wait to try this treatment out and booked in to visit the PHI Clinic in Harley Street.

Not everyone is suitable for the treatment, so I was scheduled for a consultation. Sculpsure treats pockets of fat not large mass, fibrous tissue or solid areas. For example a little extra on the stomach or saddle bags would be suitable. You need to be not far of ideal weight and a healthy BMI to have the treatment as well so it’s perfect for those looking to budge a persistent area.

PHI Clinic resides on three floors of 102 Harley Street. Operated and owned by Cosmetic Dermatologist Dr Tapan Patel, the clinic is home to an international team of cosmetic doctors, surgeons and cosmetic procedure practitioners.

First impressions where good, the entrance and waiting area was clean and impressive and the welcome from staff was delightful.

I was lead to a consultation room shortly after I arrived where the lovely South African called SK, an experienced practitioner run me through the treatments and my medical history. Initially I wanted my hips treated as it’s a wide area but after a little chat and checking my figure SK suggested the area did not have pockets of fat, it was to firm to treat and my pot belly would be a better option.

For those looking for miracle treatments this is not one. You won’t expect to see results for 6-12 weeks and you don’t immediately lose pounds on the scales. It is a contouring treatment and its success relies on the patient eating healthy and exercising. It’s really a helping hand and the only way to shift those persistent areas of fat. It does not help with cellulite or stretchmarks, this if purely focussed on fat reduction.

So how does it work? You can read the full medical ins and outs here. In brief fatty areas are subjected to a laser light which passes safely through the skin. The fat absorbs this laser for 25 minutes, during which the light heats the underlying fat and initiates a process called Apoptosis, which leads to the permanent loss of fat cells. Apoptosis results in the body’s natural elimination of this fat, meaning the destroyed fat cells are unable to return. This occurs with no damage to dermal tissue. Results are visible in approx. 6-12 weeks post treatment.

SculpSure should be thought of as a body shaping and contouring procedure to help achieve a desirable body form. Perfect for my upcoming holiday in May!

After some initial images we began the process and SK lead me to the treatment room where I lay on a couch ready for the treatment. A belted grid is clipped to my stomach and then plates with hoses attached are clipped in place. It reminded me of an octopus / alien film! Although it looked daunting it was a quiet machine and SK stayed with me to ensure I was comfortable throughout. Once in place the plates reduce in temperature, then slowly heat up this takes place in waves over 25 minutes. Although painless it was uncomfortable, but then again what do you expect.

Once finished its simple, I can put my clothes on and go about my day. Side effects include some tenderness of the area and some redness but this is minimal. I am advised to moisturise the area with my daily cream morning and night to aid recovery and the process of reduction.

I did not expect to feel any different straight away but now 3 days on I feel like it might be working! The trust will be when I got back for the second treatment at the end of March and then see results in 12 weeks! I will be posting images of progress and updates to follow.

As yet the system treats areas on the body but hopefully in time it will be developed for use on the chin etc.

Part Two

My second visit to the PHI clinic was to undergo the sequel to my treatment. This involved targeting the top of my abdomen.

The machine has settings and these can be amended dependant on the patient’s pain levels. As the skin in my upper abandon is tougher and less sensitive I was able to withstand a high level laser heat with no ill effects.

After 30 minutes I was dressed and saying y bye bye’s!

It’s day three after the treatment and I feel absolutely fine. I have found that around days 3-5 post treatment you do get some tenderness. I massage the area morning and night with cream and have noticed a feeling somewhere between sunburn and muscle soreness as if I have been doing sit ups in the sunshine!

The small discomfort makes me feel like it is actually working and it is said to be a side effect experiences by a small number of patients, so I feel assured it’s not unusual.

I will be following up in 6 and 12 weeks with more images of my progress, I cannot wait!

©2016 The Treatment Tester

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