I only really started to see cellulite in the last five years. I am sure I must have had the signs of this beforehand but I notice it so much more now.
The main areas it is most noticeable is my buttocks and back of my thighs. It prevents me from wearing anything to short, or close fitting as you can see the uneven skin tone and I detest it!
I have an office job where I sit down all day long which does not help and years or bad diet and drink have not helped at all. This year I decided I would turn things around. First step was to get back to the gym and start healthy eating. I don’t do things by halves so I went for it and took the chance to trail as many body boasting treatments along the way one of which is Figurite.
Figurite make a range of cellulite busting treatments you can use at home. They include a cream, tablets and some micro-shorts. The site www.figurite.com/en/ states that in 28 days of following the routine set you should notice a difference, I was up for the challenge!

Simply put you take the tablets daily which are food supplements which contain ingredients that help break down suborn fat. Then you apply the cream to the problem area and wear the micro shorts which have caffeine in them which when worn with the cream has a double whammy effect!
I wore the shorts firstly in bed at night-time. Then I swapped and started to wear them under my joggers at the gym when I had a workout. I simply got too hot in bed. You can do either on the program but must do so for 28 days.
The shorts are similar to slimming or hold me in shorts. They are lighter material so not as restrictive but they do cover the tummy up to just below the bust and down to your knees. The good part is you can wear them with undies and they can be washed and still not lose their secret powers! Tests show they remain just as effective after 12 washes.
I was given some easy to follow tips to help my progress with the programme. To be honest it was so easy and very little work I wondered if it was going to work!
If you want quicker results or do not have the full 28 days then up the amount of cream you apply and wear the shorts for longer.
If possible wear your shorts to the gym when you do a workout. Since your heart rate is up and blood circulation is increased, and so this helps the active ingredients really attack those problem cellulite areas. The guidance is to wear the shorts for up to 8 hours per day - but you can massively reduce this to 2 hours if you combine with a decent workout session, or some people do a good ‘power’ walk.
Drink lots of water. It’s great for weightless and can help cellular activity.
My before images are simply shocking, my cellulite is just awful. After 28 days I think I have made some great progress. The image shows much smoother skin on the back of my thighs and bum cheeks. I have a way to go but I feel so much better about my butt! I feel I can wear tights and a dress and not worry as much as previously when I would wear hold me ins’ tights and anything else I could to hide the lumps.
I am going to continue using the product as I lose weight and the two together might really help me shift the last of the cellulite or enough to totally disguise when in my swimwear this summer.
In terms of pricing, the cream is £58, the capsules are £48 and the shorts are £35. If purchased all together, the capsules are free. Our recommendation is that, on average, most users should do two 28-day treatments per year to keep cellulite under control.